We live on a blue planet.
We build AI & solar powered marine robots to monitor biodiversity and understand how the health of oceans, rivers & lakes could be improved.
We build AI & solar powered marine robots to monitor biodiversity and understand how the health of oceans, rivers & lakes could be improved.
We are building a global biodiversity and environmental monitoring network to help understand and protect our oceans, rivers and lakes.
Using sensors, cameras, and probes, we gather environmental data that provides real insight into our changing waterways.
Raw data needs analysis and narrative to have impact.
The Baseline app ensures it can reach the right people to make a difference -presenting data in easily digestible and engaging ways.
With understanding we can take the right action.
Our robots can remove pollutants and grow beneficial species, like seaweed, to increase biodiversity, create low carbon base materials, and absorb carbon.
There is no future for humanity that doesn't include healthy oceans, lakes and rivers.
With your support we can help monitor and restore marine ecosystems and develop innovative solutions to the ocean's biggest problems.